Youth Workshops
ACYR offers informational youth workshops to our local at-risk youth seeking to improve life skills and techniques to help them get hired. Our workshop topics and times for each month can be found on our website calendar page.
Youth Workshop Topics

Financial Literacy Workshop
One of our most popular workshops. Our financial literacy workshop is designed to help our clients understand goal setting, balance, and the pitfalls they will encounter now and in the future. We will discuss how interest rates work, the ins and outs of bank accounts, the power of compounding interest rates, risk vs. reward, and personal budget. This workshop is a good course for all ages and provides a foundation of financial literacy that all people should have.
Resume/Interview Skills Workshop
Our resume/ interview skills workshop is an interactive session that is designed around self-presentation. We teach the importance of self-confidence as well as how to represent yourself and your experience no matter how much or little you have. The resume/ interview skills workshop is great for individuals new to the workforce and our clients will not only walk away with resume do’s and don’ts, but they will also receive a critical interview and pre-interview skills necessary to search and obtain employment.

Customer Service Workshop
ACYR has teamed up with Starbuck’s to provide real-world customer service training. Our clients will receive instruction on problem-solving, presentation, reading verbal and non-verbal clues, and what it means to work in a team environment. This workshop is interactive and has role-playing scenarios which allow our clients to receive hands-on practice and give them a feel for what is like to work with the public. Any ACYR client who takes this workshop is qualified to attend Starbuck’s barista training which may lead to employment with Starbuck’s.
Entrepreneur Workshop
Be your own boss? Start your dream business? ACYR’s entrepreneur workshop is set up to cover the eight foundational values of Responsibility, Being Principled, Knowledge, Freedom, Passion, Opportunity, Win-Win focused, and Sound Judgement. Our entrepreneur workshop is set up to be energetic and interactive so that our clients get the baseline information needed to propel them into becoming the entrepreneur they want to be.